Why this blog?

Why this blog?Im a bit late for this for this explanation.But have faith, i have one :P
Well then,first the confession. I already have another blog.Writing is one of the most profound tool of my expressions.As a child the first thing i started playing with  pen and paper.and books,of course.I used to read some stories,imagined every single scene and situation,then write what i think of the story.Or,sometimes,a story of my own. While growing up journaling had become a regular habit.then after the social media platforms came,and i gathered a tiny bit of confidence that i might possibly have the writing thing.Hence,the first blog started. But there i write everything in my mother tongue,Bangla. So its limited to the native speakers only. Now,coming to prior question,why this blog?Mostly,because of Tarot. If i say,my cards has told me to do this,that wont be an exaggeration.
                  In 2017 my friend Satadru bought me a box set of tarot cards.before this my interaction with tarot was limited to internet only.I never even thought of owning a deck. It was awkwardly accurate every time all these years.But i never felt that urge that i should have one.But some how at the turn of events,i was in a rut.So i was reading ferociously to get away with my mind.hence i stumbled upon some internet article and YouTube channels followed by that.All of them related to tarot divination . The informations i got to know were,well, again awkward. It felt like this is the language i was ever wanting to read and listen to. And the messages were very direct.That was weird ,i thought.Because how can someone as new as myself grab onto such a thing?especially when its so deep and intricate and vast!But something told me,rather forced me towards buying a deck.What my friend bought was a box set starter kit.A very basic Merseilis  inspired deck with a book.That was quite informative for a beginner.But the sooner i started learning and practicing,a ravenous urge for more decks started.As if this wasn't the deck i was looking for.Hence ,came the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot and Shadowscapes Tarot. Both given by the same friend. I didn't know these names before this.So i had to Google the names of different decks before ordering.With these three decks i started my actual journey with tarot. Then i started reading more and more about different spreads,card meanings.positions and reading techniques.It was a classic 'self-help program' .All thanks to the websites,articles,videos and not the least,blogs. With this my collection of tarot cards kept growing.But somehow i was quite uncomfortable with the fact of telling others that I'm doing this.Sometimes we fail to gather courage to take the same action,which we are following. Like,i have been following Missy from Saltwater Heals Tarot,Melanie from Whole Again 1111, Angelic Guidance 333 on YouTube and social medias.These three women have taught me a lot.The knowledge they share,the way the interpret the cards are amazing. And for the last one and a half year,i have been learning a lot from these people. About tarot,about self love,about healing ourselves first to heal others,about many other things.So after much procrastinating ,i came to a decision that i too need to pass on what they have given me.That's how the energy works right? It's fluid;constantly flowing from one to another.the garden of the soul blooms with that fluid ,that is consciousness.
Now I have a Facebook page Skyboat13. One IG handle for that page. I am doing daily and weekly tarot reading over there. But to be dead honest,I had to write not just to communicate,but to share the gems. Now this may sound a bit overwhelming,one might think "what is wrong with you Gagan?are you trying to be a prophet?Or a sorceress?"  My humble answer would be absolutely not.I'm still on a path of learning.But up until l now,the things and words and experiences i had,were more than just to feel and soak in. It had be shared. For the light i had seen,must be shown to others. Hence,this blog.Where i would try to share some of the information and experiences. Hop in and lets get going.
Love and light to all out there.


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